Tuesday 17 November 2009

Who do you admire?

Who do you admire? And why?

One thing you can use the interent for of course is finding out information. This can be excellent reading practice. But to really make it work, you should either speak or write afterwards about what you have just read.

Here is what I would like you to do.

  1. Think of someone you admire.

  2. Find out some information from the internet

  3. Write a couple of short paragraphs about that person

  4. Try to use some past tenses to say what that person has done in their life

  5. Try to use some of the personality adjective swe have used in class to describe this person.

Here are some of the adjectives:









1 comment:

  1. As I see if somebody wants to choose someone to be his admirer he must know a lot of information about him.
    I believe that if someone is good at his work and he is hard-working that`s not enough to make from him an admirer
